The Differences Between Rubber Molding and Plastic Molding

Manufacturing processes like rubber molding and plastic molding play a role in the production of various products we use in our daily lives. These processes might seem similar at first glance, but each has unique characteristics. Here are the differences between rubber and plastic molding. 

Rubber Molding

Rubber molding, or rubber compression molding, is primarily used for creating rubber parts and components. This method involves applying heat and pressure to form rubber materials into the desired shape. Several rubber molding processes exist, including compression, transfer, and injection molding.

Rubber casting uses natural rubber, silicone rubber, and synthetic rubber compounds. These materials are elastic and resilient. This makes them ideal for tasks that need flexible and durable items.

The material is heated first in rubber casting, placed in the mold cavity, and exposed to high pressure and heat. Pressure combined with heat vulcanizes the rubber and takes the mold’s shape. Latex molding helps to produce gaskets, tires, and seals in the automotive industry. The process is also standard in making medical devices, industrial machinery, and consumer goods.

Items made through latex molding are durable, resistant to extreme temperatures, and have superior sealing properties. Rubber casting can create complex shapes with intricate details, making it suitable for various applications. 

Plastic Molding

Plastic molding is a manufacturing process used to create plastic products. Techniques used in this manufacturing process include injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding. You can use any of these methods depending on the type of plastic material and what you want the final product to look like.

This manufacturing process uses many thermoplastic materials like polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC, and many others. Each type of plastic has its own properties, which influence its suitability for different applications.

Manufacturers choose plastic material to heat to a molten state during plastic molding and then inject, blow, or extrude into a mold cavity. Once it cools and solidifies, the finished product is removed from the mold. Plastic molding is used to produce everything from packaging materials and household items to automotive parts and electronics casings.

Plastic molding processes are highly versatile and efficient. They encourage identical parts to be produced precisely and repeatedly. Plastic components are light, resist corrosion, and are cost-effective to produce. 


  • Rubber casting uses rubber materials, while plastic molding uses plastic polymers.
  • This manufacturing process uses heat and pressure to shape rubber materials. Plastic molding incorporates the melting and solidifying of plastic materials in a mold.
  • Rubber molding suits products that require elasticity, resilience, and resistance to extreme temperatures. You can apply plastic molding in various industries and product categories because it is versatile.
  • Plastic molding offers versatility, repeatability, and cost-effectiveness. Rubber casting provides sealing and durability.

Use Our Rubber Molding Services

Rubber and plastic molding are two distinct manufacturing processes catering to specific applications and materials. Understanding the differences helps manufacturers and product designers select the appropriate method for their needs. Contact us today for your rubber molding needs and experience the flexibility of rubber in your everyday lives.